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We believe in staying in touch with fans and we are committed to helping others achieve their dreams.
Feel free to email our staff with your questions or comments.
David A. Schweiger
CEO, Executive producer, Co-director
David is a Visual Artist/Director with interests in producing powerful films which provoke meaning and hold substance.
David has worked with L.W. Smith on numerous projects the latest being "The Books Of John".
David has a strong dedication for promoting, collaborating and creating new and meaningful films that stimulate the spirit and invoke deeper understanding on this journey of life.
Although David is primarily a Visual Artist with a phenomenal talent in painting and sketching, he also has an eye for motion pictures and is excited to offer his vision and lend support in future projects.
Contact David A. Schweiger
L.W. Smith
Dreamer, Writer, Producer and Co-director
L.W. is a writer with a mission. He believes that there are great stories to be told by all people. He also believes that people limit themselves only because of fear. He encourages everyone to write and tell their story and to believe in the impossible. L.W. is a person that believes that everyone deserves a chance to see their words become a visual part of history that can live on long after the person has taken flight to new horizons.
Contact L.W. Smith